Experiences of Black and ethnic minority carers

Read Healthwatch Greenwich's latest report providing insight into the challenges carers within Black and ethnic minority communities face in navigating their roles and accessing support.

Healthwatch Greenwich’s latest report explores the experiences and roles of carers within Black and ethnic minority communities. Using a participatory research approach, co-researchers gained valuable insight into the challenges carers face in navigating their roles and accessing support, including communicative and language barriers, a lack of culturally sensitive services and resources, limited understanding of service entitlements, and inconsistent access to support. The impact of these barriers can lead to delays in seeking support, preventing carers from fully engaging with the support they receive and potentially affecting their health and well-being. 

Our 8 co-researchers were all Greenwich residents who identify as being from a Black or ethnic minority background. They all had experience in caring, whether for their elderly parents, partners, neighbours, adult children, or young children with complex special education needs.  

Download the full report

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