Do you care for a child with Special Educational Needs or a Disability? (SEND)

There are less than 10 days left to respond to the Government's Green Paper for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
Girl biting her pendant with boy in grey hoodie behind her.

What is a Green Paper?

A Green Paper is a Government publication that details specific issues, and then points out possible courses of action in terms of policy and legislation.

It is commissioned from the relevant department if the Government feels that there is an area where new legislation is required, or existing legislation needs to be re-vamped.

Crucially, a Green Paper contains no commitment to action, it is more a tool of stimulating discussion, but it is often the first step towards changing the law.

Consultation description

The government wants to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND and those in alternative provision.

To achieve this ambition, they want to work with and hear from:

  • children and young people
  • parents and carers
  • those who advocate and work with the SEND sector
  • local and national system leaders

Resources for responding to the SEND review

Special Needs Jungle

National Deaf Childrens' Society