Lung checks - information in different languages
This article contains links to lung check information in different languages
Targeted lung health checks
What you need to know
If the NHS has contacted you about getting a lung health check, it's essential that you go. Even if you feel fine, attending your lung health check can uncover problems long before you notice them and when it is more treatable. The lung health check is for people without symptoms. If you’ve seen a change, don’t wait for your lung health check appointment. Tell your GP as soon as possible. Visit to find out if you should receive an invitation.
Useful resources:
- Targeted Lung Health Check - English
- فحوصات صحة الرئتین المستھدفة - Arabic
- Exames de Saúde Pulmonar Direcionadoss - Brazilian Portguese
- 靶向肺部健康检查 - Chinese (Simplified)
- 靶向肺部健康檢查 - Chinese (Traditional)
- Bilans Pulmonaires Ciblés - French
- Tiksliniai plaučių sveikatos patikrinimai - Lithuanian
- लिक्षत फोक्सोको स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण - Nepalese
- Program ukierunkowanej kontroli stanu płuc - Polish
- Exames de Saúde Pulmonar Direcionados - Portuguese
- ਟਾਰਗੇਿਟਡ ਫੇਫਿੜਆਂ ਦੀ ਿਸਹਤ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ - Punjabi
- Controlul pulmonar pentru depistarea cancerului - Romanian
- Controles de Salud Pulmonar dirigidos - Spanish