Colonoscopy confidence - your common sense bowel check

Find out more about what a colonoscopy is and what the simple check involves.
doctor with medical face mask on

Colonoscopy confidence – your common sense bowel check

We know some people feel anxious or worried when they’re told they need a colonoscopy but it’s important to have this test if you’re referred. That’s why Bowel Cancer UK have launched the Colonoscopy Confidence campaign to explain what a colonoscopy is, why it matters and encourage people to attend their appointment.

If you’ve been asked by your doctor to have a colonoscopy it’s because they suspect something isn’t quite right about your bowel or colon, and they’d like a specialist to take a closer look. The procedure involves an endoscopist putting a thin flexible tube with a camera on the end up your bottom so they can see the inside of your bowel.

Colonoscopy is a very common procedure 

  • Thousands of colonoscopies are carried out across the UK every week. They give endoscopists a close-up view of the inside of your bowel so they can clearly see if there’s anything wrong. A colonoscopy can feel a little uncomfortable, but it’s an important part of maintaining good all-round health.
  • Most people who have a colonoscopy won’t have bowel cancer. But, if bowel cancer is detected at its earliest stage nearly everybody is treated successfully. 
  • That’s why if you have an appointment for a colonoscopy, it is really important that you attend – let’s keep your bowel in good health.

The procedure was very straight forward, well-organised, painless. Everybody was so nice. I just couldn’t fault it.

Mattthew, Colonoscopy patient

What does a colonoscopy involve?

  1. Before your colonoscopy you’ll be asked to drink a strong laxative. This cleans your bowel thoroughly so the endoscopist can spot any changes. But it will mean frequent trips to the toilet.
  2. When you arrive at your appointment you’ll be asked to change into a gown which keeps you modest during the colonoscopy. A nurse will explain the procedure, and ask you to lie on your side.
  3. The endoscopist will then put a thin flexible tube with a camera on the end up your bottom so they can see the inside of your bowel. It’s usually painless and only takes about 30 minutes – there can be some discomfort, so you’ll be offered a painkiller or sedative if you wish.
  4. The endoscopist may remove polyps (non-cancerous growths) or tissue samples if they think anything needs a closer look. Most people who have a colonoscopy won’t have bowel cancer. But, if bowel cancer is detected at its earliest stage nearly everybody is treated successfully. That’s why if you have an appointment for a colonoscopy, it is really important that you attend – let’s keep your bowel in good health.

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Without a colonoscopy, I wouldn't be here today

Bridget, Colonoscopy patient