Would you like to shape patient experience in Greenwich?
The Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust Patient Experience Strategy is coming up for review and there is an opportunity for patients to become involved.
There are four main themes in the proposed strategy, namely:
- Improving learning from patient feedback;
- Improving patient/service user involvement;
- Enhancing our volunteers’ service and our spiritual care provision to improve patient experience;
- Establishing consistent links with staff experience and cultural change programs across the organisation.
The survey itself should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
Please click on the link below to read the strategy and give Lewisham and NHS Trust your thoughts and feedback.
This consultation will run until the end of 31st March 2022.
If you have any questions or if you would welcome a chat with someone from the team on the draft strategy, please contact Jeni Mwebaze, Associate Director of Quality & Governance ( jeni.mwebaze@nhs.net ) or Michelle Acquah, Patient Experience Manager ( michelleacquah@nhs.net) in the first instance.