What is this project about?
We want to find out about the maternity experiences of asylum seeking or recently migrated women/birthing people. While maternity staff within the NHS do their best to support women, many asylum-seeking/migrant women have additional barriers to overcome. Getting used to a new healthcare system, language barriers, a lack of community or family support in the UK and having already been through traumatic circumstances are challenges many asylum-seeking and recently migrated women/birthing people experience.
How will we carry out this project?
We will recruit a group of asylum seeking/recently migrated women/birthing people as partners and ‘co-researchers’. As experts by experience, co-researchers bring equal but different perspectives and will support the design, delivery, and development of this project.
Who can be a co-researcher?
Co-researchers need to be:
- Woman/birthing person
- recently migrated to the UK – within the past 5 years or an asylum seeker
- pregnant now or a parent of a child up to the age of 1 year
- fluent in a community language and have an understanding of English
What will co-researchers do?
Co-researchers will:
- Contribute to the design and development of the project.
- Find and speak to other asylum-seeking/migrant women/birthing people to gather experiences of local maternity care.
- Contribute to the analysis and presentations of the findings.
- Take part in training and support sessions
How much will co-researchers be paid?
Co-researchers will receive £15/hour. Payment includes all additional expenses involved in taking part in this project, such as childcare, telephone, and travel costs. Co-researchers will take part in up to 8 days of involvement work spread across a number of days between May to September 2023.
What training will co-researchers receive?
Co-researchers will be taken through everything they need to know, including: research skills, safeguarding, health and safety, lone working, equality and diversity, and data protection and confidentiality.
How else will co-researchers benefit?
Co-researchers will:
- Use their existing skills – and learn new ones.
- Have additional experience to include in their CV
- Explore research as a career option
- Build and extend confidence
- Contribute to make a difference to maternity services.
- Meet new people and build networks
How do I apply?
If you’re interested, we’ll ask you to complete a short application and talk to us in a friendly interview. Please contact Jahan at jahan@healthwatchgreenwich.co.uk or on 07498 851 221. Please note, we are recruiting on a rolling basis, so do apply as soon as possible.