Healthwatch Patient Participation Group (PPG) meeting July 2020

Meeting notes and agenda for the Healthwatch Greenwich PPG meeting July 2020.


Attendees included patient PPG members and practice staff. Initial conversations suggest that not all practices had shared the invitation with their PPG members.

Purpose of meeting

To assess the level of interest in developing PPGs and assess the level of interest in developing PPG network within Primary Care Network (PCN) areas.

PPGs during Covid-19

Most PPGs have not been operational during Covid and (virtual) meetings have not been held. There has been little communication between practices and PPG members during Covid.

Going forwards, some PPGs plan to begin virtual meetings. Whilst virtual meetings may extend membership and accessibility for some, it could exclude those less comfortable with using digital tools, and those without access to technology.


If you need this report in a different format, please email 

Healthwatch Greenwich PPG July 2020 meeting agenda

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