What did we hear in January 2025? What action has been taken?

Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.

We heard from 164 Greenwich residents about their experience of health and care services in Greenwich.

Service users contacted us through:

  • Calls and emails to us
  • Meetings between us and local groups or advocates
  • Outreach and engagement events

As an inpatient at Queen Elizabeth hospital the service was really good, but the waiting time can be quite bad.


I waited a really long time to get an ENT appointment at Queen Elizabeth hospital.


Provider response

Royal Borough of Greenwich Specialist Community Occupational Therapy and Sensory Services

"The RBG Sensory Enablement Service has had the opportunity to review the helpful feedback from the Healthwatch offer and has met with the Blind in Greenwich group. We will progress areas that we can support with as a service and will offer to work with partners across the Health and Social Care system to support with any advice or expertise required to resolve concerns."

Download the full report

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