Video consulting with your NHS: A quick guide for patients

This quick guide for patients outlines what patients need for their video consultation and how to prepare for their appointment.
Lady in the blue jacket smiling in front of a laptop

Video consulting with your NHS

A quick guide for patients

Why choose it?

  • You can still have NHS appointments if you are social distancing or isolating
  • We can still see how you are
  • It can save you stress, time and money
  • Calls are safe and secure

What you need

  • A charged up computer, tablet or smartphone with a built in camera and microphone
  • A quiet, well-lit place where you won’t be disturbed
  • A good internet connection

Setting up

1. We will send your appointment time and information you’ll need to access your appointment via email, text message or letter

2. We may send you a text message reminder

3. Make sure you’re familiar with the software before your appointment

4. Make a list of questions or issues before the call to help you get the most from your consultation

Starting the video call

5. Start the video call software a few minutes before your appointment, you may have been given a link to click on

6. You may be asked to confirm your date of birth and a phone number so we can call you if you get cut off

7. Your doctor or nurse will join you or call you when they are ready

8. Say hello or wave to your doctor or nurse

The consultation

9. Look at your doctor or nurse’s face on screen whilst you’re talking, there is no need to look directly at your camera

10. If all goes well, the call will feel like a face to face appointment

11. If you want to show us something, like where it hurts, you can try to use the screen camera

12. If something goes wrong and you get disconnected, we’ll phone you instead

Ending the video call

13. Ask us any questions you like before you go

14. We’ll arrange your next video appointment, prescription or a face to face visit

15. We’ll say goodbye before we go

16. You can leave your feedback to help us make future consultations better



This guide is also available  in Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Italian, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian and Urdu.

If you need this document in a different format or language, please email or call 020 8301 8340

NHS Video Consultation Patient Guide

Article photo by Beci Harmony on Unsplash