It's Stoptober - the perfect time to quit smoking

Public Health England’s Stoptober campaign has been an annual event since 2012. Each year it inspires thousands of smokers to give up for 28 days during the month of October – and its aim is to support them in quitting for good.
Person breaking cigarette in two

Why 28 days? Because research shows that people who manage to resist smoking for that long are five times more likely to quit permanently.

Why stop now? Because quitting alongside so many other people means there’ll always be someone – in real life, on social media or even on TV – who’s experiencing the same struggle you are.

What’s more, Stoptober is actively supported around the country by local governments, health and social care services, Public Health England and even employers. With so many people in your quit corner, there’ll never be a better time to take the plunge.

Why it’s worth it

Giving up smoking will improve your physical health – but did you know it’s also proven to boost your mental health and wellbeing? Quitting can help to relieve stress, tackle anxiety and reduce feelings of depression.

Best of all, you’ll be able to track the effects of giving up from just 20 minutes after smoking your final cigarette as your pulse returns to normal. Within weeks – possibly even by the end of the Stoptober challenge – your breathing will ease, your heart function will improve and your energy levels will rise.

There’s plenty of Stoptober support on offer for Greenwich residents.

If you’re interested in taking part in the 28-day Stoptober challenge, here’s where you can get help with kicking the habit:

  • Your GP
  • Your local pharmacy – the free NHS Stop Smoking service may be available. If not, you’ll be able to access advice on smoking cessation products
  • The free NHS Stoptober app – available for Apple and Android devices, with a handy progress tracker and a calculator that will show how much money you’re saving
  • Stoptober Facebook resources
  • The free NHS Personal Quit Plan
  • The Smokefree national helpline – call 0300 123 1044. 

Greenwich Stop Smoking Service

The Stop Smoking Service offers free, local support and advice to quit smoking from friendly, trained advisors. They also have specialist support available for those with mental health conditions and for those that are pregnant .

For further advice:

Text: ‘QUIT’ to 60060

Email: – just send name and telephone number

Tel: LiveWell Greenwich line on 0800 470 4831 to be connected with a Stop Smoking Advisor

Website: Live Well Greenwich | Stop Smoking - takes you straight through to the referral form.