Healthwatch Greenwich - Unlocking the Power of User Testing for Oxleas Children's Integrated Therapies Website

Every parent wants the best for their child, especially when it comes to their health and well-being. However, the journey to find the right resources and support can be a challenging one.
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For parents and carers of children with special needs, the journey to find the right resources and support can be a challenging one. That's why the recent usability testing of the Oxleas Children's Integrated Therapies website, in partnership with Healthwatch Greenwich, is a catalyst for transformation.

The power of user testing lies not only in uncovering ways to make a website more effective, but also in fostering a sense of patient-centred care. By involving service users in the testing process, Oxleas NHS Trust demonstrates its commitment to listening and understanding the needs of the people and communities it serves. When parents and carers can easily access the information they require, it enhances their overall experience and builds trust and confidence in the service.

The findings from user testing sessions yielded valuable insights into the accessibility and functionality of the Children's Integrated Therapies website. One of the most striking discoveries was the low awareness and underutilisation of the website among parents, carers, and even staff members in integrated therapies teams. This meant that a valuable resource was going untapped, preventing families from accessing the information they need.

Navigating the website proved to be a maze of confusion and frustration for some. The scattered nature of information, complex terminology, and limited accessibility options left parents and carers feeling overwhelmed and even staff did not always find it easy to use, often preferring to create their own resources.

Moving forward, the insights gained will be valuable in supporting the ongoing work to transform Oxleas Children's Integrated Therapies website into a powerful tool for families, carers and staff.  At Healthwatch Greenwich, we believe that user testing is not just about improving websites; it's about empowering people and communities and ensuring that parents and carers have access to the Children's Integrated Therapies website resources they need to help their child thrive.

See the full report here: