Puddingstone Grange Care Home 2020 report

In February 2018, Healthwatch Greenwich conducted an Enter and View at Puddingstone Grange Care Home. In January 2020, we used our power of Enter and View to revisit the care home.

Puddingstone Grange Care Home is located in Plumstead, Greenwich and provides specialist 24 hour and respite residential and nursing care for adults with dementia and mental health. Services are provided by Avante Care & Support, a registered charity. The care home has four wards; two for dementia, one for mental health and one for nursing, with a total of 62 available beds, 58 of which were occupied at the time of our visit.

We spoke to six residents, six members of staff, two relatives and the registered care manager. We observed the care and interaction of 15 residents, and the staff looking after them, in three lounge areas. In addition, we viewed all communal areas and a small number of resident’s rooms.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out an unannounced visit to Puddingstone Grange Care Home on the 9 th May 2017. The home was rated as ‘good’ across all areas.

Summary of findings

In February 2018, we conducted an enter and view visit to Puddingstone Grange, and provided the following recommendations:

  •  Ensure all residents have knowledge of and access to their care plans to ensure a sense of choice in their treatment and care. 
  • Ensure all residents are aware of the complaints procedure and are confident to use it.
  • Include more culturally diverse options on the home’s menu to reflect resident population.

Puddingstone Grange Care Home provides a homely environment. From our observations of interactions, and our conversations with residents, residents are generally happy with the care they receive. Staff are friendly, attentive, and visibly know their residents well. As a team, staff communicate with each other well, and feel supported by management.

Upon our second enter and view visit, we have made the following recommendations:

Recommendation 1: Check alarm call bells regularly

Alarm call bells in all rooms and communal bathrooms should be checked on a regular basis to ensure that residents can easily summon assistance when needed. 

Recommendation 2: More autonomy for residents

A small number of residents do not feel they are properly listened to, given choices, or control over how they spend their time. Staff providing care should never make the mistake of assuming that because they know the individual well, they always know what their preferences will be.

Recommendation 3: Personalised bedroom doors

Outside doors of bedrooms should be personalised to help residents recognise their own bedroom and enable staff to maintain awareness of residents who are at risk of falls.

Recommendation 4: More accessible information on notice boards

Too much information is crowded on notice boards making it difficult to identify important notices from informal or fun updates. Information displayed on notice boards should be regularly refreshed and out of date information removed.


If you need this report in an alternative format, please email info@healthwatchgreenwich.co.uk 

Puddingstone Grange Care Home 2020 E&V report

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