Caring for the Carers: Carers Experience of Reablement Services

Healthwatch Greenwich's latest study to understand the experience of the reablement service from a carer’s perspective.

The benefits of the reablement service are evident in the improved health and well-being of service recipients. Carers spoke highly of the positive impact on their loved ones' mobility and confidence, and carers valued the brief respite some of these visits from reablement staff offered them. The reablement experience was positive for carers. The rapid nature of support for their relative was welcomed and carers operated alongside reablement staff as key partners in ensuring progress is made and maintained.

The quality of the relationships built between reablement staff and carers plays a vital role in the success of the reablement service. Carers appreciated the compassion and friendliness of reablement staff, and most felt respected and involved in the decision-making process.

Caring for the Carers: Carers Experience of Reablement Services

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