Healthwatch Greenwich Stakeholders’ Perception Survey 2023

Read and download the full report at the end of this page.

The survey revealed both strengths and areas for improvement. While we are recognised for our positive role in facilitating inclusion, working with diverse communities, and advocating for issues affecting local residents, there are reservations regarding our understanding of the broader health and care context. In addition, our ability to demonstrate effectiveness in influencing decision-making, and the extent to which greater balance in reporting is needed (or wanted, given our remit) should be considered. 

  • Impact and Influence: We will increase our efforts in gaining a deeper understanding of the broader context in which local health and care services operate. We will implement clearer relationship management responsibilities across the team to continue to build trust, credibility, and mutually beneficial partnerships.
  • Communication and Reporting: While we will not necessarily seek a balanced approach in its reporting, we will increase our efforts to identify and highlight good practice. In addition, we will review our contact database to ensure more stakeholders are well-informed about our activity and impact. In addition, we will use our communication channels to share evidence of our impact and influence.
    By implementing these actions we will strengthen our stakeholder relationships, enhance our impact, and ultimately contribute to improving the quality, accessibility, and inclusivity of health and social care services for Greenwich residents.


Healthwatch Greenwich Stakeholders’ Perception Survey 2023

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