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    Find out more about introducing your baby to solid foods and the new NHS information campaign.
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    Anna recounts her experiences at Queen Elizabeth hospital and Lewisham Hospital.
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    Our CEO reflects on the state of maternity care in the UK, the shocking disparity in the quality of care within our communities, and how listening to people's experiences can help change this.
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    Oluwatoyosi Disu, a 17-year-old co-researcher, shares her experience of being part of the project, interviewing friends and peers on their contraceptive knowledge.
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    In this blog post, Jahan Foster, Social Care Researcher at Healthwatch Greenwich, reflects on the successful co-production project completed with young people, which explored their contraceptive knowledge and awareness.
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    Our volunteer, Dylan Heller, describes her time volunteering with HWG as an 'immensely transformative experience,' which supported her personal growth and development while also teaching her the importance of empathy and active listening.
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    The key to addressing this challenge lies in recognising the importance of patient and family voices and actively incorporating them into the fabric of health and care decision-making, writes Healthwatch Greenwich CEO Joy Beishon.
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    As the UK marks Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, Healthwatch Greenwich chief executive Joy Beishon highlights the urgent need for increased awareness and accessibility to cervical screening, particularly among Black and ethnic minority women in the UK.
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    Lauren Lencovich, a communications volunteer at Healthwatch Greenwich, shares her journey and aspiration to delve into the impact of social media on shaping health behaviours within our community.