If you have made a complaint under the NHS complaints procedure and you aren’t satisfied with how it was dealt with at the first stage, you have the right to ask for an independent review by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.
We are aware that due to the ongoing pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, some healthcare organisations are encountering significant pressure on staff time.
The Diocese of Southwark’s leading black clergy are urging the UK Minority Ethnic to allay their suspicions about the COVID-19 vaccination and to take it when they are offered it.
All London residents can now have a personalised care plan. The plan is linked to all the urgent care services including 111, the out of hours GPs, the London Ambulance Service and all the emergency departments.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has told Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust to ensure that DNACPR policies at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and supporting information relating to treatment escalation plans, must be recorded consistently.
A new online resource has been created to help people in South East London find accurate and easy to understand information about the COVID-19 vaccine.