What we have been hearing from 2021-22

Find out what we have been hearing from 2021-2022 in this feedback report summary.

The feedback presented in this report is from the following sources between January 2020-January 2022:

  • Calls and emails to Healthwatch Greenwich from Greenwich residents/service users
  • Meetings between Healthwatch Greenwich community representatives or leaders
  • Meetings between Healthwatch Greenwich and groups of Greenwich service users
  • Conversations as seen on social media
  • Online reviews of services

This report is not intended to be a comprehensive summary but an indication of the themes and issues we have heard repeatedly over the year.

Please note, most Greenwich residents have an exemplary experience and speak highly of health and care services and those individuals who provide it. However, some face particular challenges in receiving the support and care they need. As commissioners and providers, we hope you find this summary useful and an opportunity to continue to develop services.



Feedback summary 2021-22
Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust response

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