1. Report -

    Read Healthwatch Greenwich's latest report providing insights into maternity care challenges for migrant and asylum-seeking women in South East London.
  2. Blog -

    As 2024 begins, Louise Ansari, CEO at Healthwatch England, highlights some of the projects that made a difference for patients last year while showing the vital role of local action. We need to hear more of such examples in the new year.
  3. News -

    A family worries about their daughter's care at a supported accommodation because they don't get enough information and feel left out of decisions.
  4. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  5. Blog -

    As the UK marks Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, Healthwatch Greenwich chief executive Joy Beishon highlights the urgent need for increased awareness and accessibility to cervical screening, particularly among Black and ethnic minority women in the UK.
  6. Advice and Information -

    ‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch and the Care Quality Commission, addresses health inequalities across England.
  7. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  8. News -

    A father shares how negligence from hospital staff led to a traumatic experience for his daughter Becky and their family
  9. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  10. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  11. Report -

    Read Healthwatch Greenwich's latest report providing insight into the challenges carers within Black and ethnic minority communities face in navigating their roles and accessing support.
  12. Report -

    Read Healthwatch Greenwich's latest report exploring mental wellbeing experiences within local Greenwich communities and strategies to improve access to mental wellbeing support.
  13. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.