1. News -

    Yasmin, a patient at the Emergency Department of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, opens up about her unpleasant experience at the hospital.
  2. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Four areas where you can improve support for people diagnosed with diabetes.
  4. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  5. News -

    Healthwatch England new research reveals worrying problems with hospital discharge arrangements. Many people told us they are not given the right support or information when being discharged from hospital. Read their experiences and our calls to action.
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    Responding to the news that Government has reached an agreement with medical unions in England, which if accepted, could end consultant strikes, Joy Beishon, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Greenwich said:
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    Athena, a single mom with a special needs son, felt abandoned by healthcare and social services during a difficult time.
  8. News -

    A four-day strike by doctors is likely to increase pressure on hospitals across South East London Here's how to get the help you need!
  9. News -

    Five organisations representing NHS leaders and patients join forces regarding on-going industrial action in the NHS.
  10. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  11. Report -

    Read Healthwatch Greenwich's latest report providing insights into maternity care challenges for migrant and asylum-seeking women in South East London.
  12. Blog -

    As 2024 begins, Louise Ansari, CEO at Healthwatch England, highlights some of the projects that made a difference for patients last year while showing the vital role of local action. We need to hear more of such examples in the new year.
  13. News -

    A family worries about their daughter's care at a supported accommodation because they don't get enough information and feel left out of decisions.
  14. News -

    In July last year, Healthwatch published our findings of experiences you shared about trying to get cancer care. Thanks to this insight, the NHS has simplified their process so people can better understand what to expect.
  15. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  16. News -

    New unit to help get LGT patients home and avoid hospital admission.
  17. Blog -

    With a record number of patients stuck in A&E, Healthwatch England CEO Louise Ansari wants to see a longer-term plan to improve conditions in which people wait for life-saving care. This should include real-time monitoring and reporting on patient experience.
  18. Blog -

    Lauren Lencovich, a communications volunteer at Healthwatch Greenwich, shares her journey and aspiration to delve into the impact of social media on shaping health behaviours within our community.
  19. Blog -

    Healthwatch Greenwich volunteer Sadeko Samson shares his journey of discovering passion and making a difference through volunteering.
  20. News -

    Children, young people, and adults in South London suffering from sickle cell disease will soon benefit from better care closer to where they live, following the announcement of a national £1.5M investment in 25 red blood cell exchange devices.
  21. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  22. News -

    A five-day strike by doctors is likely to increase pressure on hospitals across South East London Here's how to get the help you need!
  23. News -

    A father shares how negligence from hospital staff led to a traumatic experience for his daughter Becky and their family
  24. News -

    Nearly 3 in 4 (72%) of UK adults said that having more time, energy and feeling fitter would motivate them to be more physically active.
    UK adults are more than twice as likely to spend most of their time watching TV (38%) compared to cooking/preparing food (15%).
  25. News -

    Fayola's plea for help goes unanswered as her daughter falls ill due to lack of heating, leading to months of hospitalisation without support.
  26. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  27. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  28. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  29. News -

    Aaliyah shares how not being listened to by her doctor left her feeling ignored, overlooked, and worried that she'd not received optimal care.
  30. Report -

    Read Healthwatch Greenwich's latest report providing insight into the experiences and perspectives of patients, their
    families, and stakeholders to understand the reasons behind potentially preventable hospital admissions and delayed discharges.
  31. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  32. Report -

    As part of the NHS Long Term Plan Healthwatch Greenwich were asked to gather local people's experiences and views on what the NHS can do to help them and their communities stay well and to make the support available better
  33. Advice and Information -

    Read the latest advice and information from NHS England and Public Health England about the Coronavirus.
  34. Report -

    Our Annual Report for the year 2019-2020- How your feedback helped us work to improve health and social care services in Greenwich over the past year, and what our key priorities will be for 2020-21.
  35. News -

    Share your story to help services learn and improve from the experiences of Greenwich residents from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds during COVID-19.
  36. News -

    The House of Lords would like to hear from people age 16-66 with complex care needs, long-term health conditions and disabilities about their experience of services during coronavirus, and how they think services could be improved going forward.
  37. News -

    Healthwatch Greenwich is hosting a series of free online events with art, panel discussions, interviews, and crafts, to celebrate Black History Month.
  38. News -

    Focus now must be on shaping a health and care system that delivers for everyone
  39. Blog -

    Healthwatch Greenwich (HWG) is hosting a digital event with local community leaders to debate health inequality and find ways to improve overall health and wellbeing for black women in Royal Borough of Greenwich.
  40. News -

    In November we held our first Black Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Advisory group meeting in which we agreed upon which of the service provider commitments the group would prioritise in monitoring.
  41. Report -

    The lockdown imposed from March 2020 brought with it some radical changes to how people are able to access health and care services.
  42. News -

    Recording, presentations and notes from our Health Inequalities event on 25 May 2021
  43. Advice and Information -

    These Easy Read guides tell you more about the cancer screening programme and what to do if you think you have any symptoms.
  44. Report -

    Report by the Kings Fund on the commitments made by the NHS to deliver health equity by working with the people whose health is not keeping pace with the rest of the population.
  45. Blog -

    Freya's experience volunteering at Healthwatch as a Digital Communications Volunteer.
  46. Blog -

    Hear from our Communications and Signposting Officer about what it's like working at Healthwatch Greenwich
  47. Blog -

    December 3rd marks International Day of People with Disabilities. A key date in our calendar to celebrate the challenges, barriers, and opportunities for people with disabilities, this year, in the context of a global pandemic.
  48. Advice and Information -

    Healthwatch across the country are launching a campaign to make sure you always get your care, your way. Here’s some key information about the accessible communications you should expect from services:
  49. News -

    Find out more about LGBTQ+ History Month including a timeline in changes of legislation and which services are available in Greenwich for the LGBTQ+ community