1. News -

    More people in England, Scotland and Wales are now dissatisfied (41%) with the NHS than are satisfied for the first time since 2002, according to a report from King’s Fund and Nuffield Trust.
  2. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing from 2021-2022 in this feedback report summary.
  3. Report -

    Find out what the public has been telling us about health and social care during April 2022 and read the response from the provider.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Find out what happens after you've made a complaint.
  5. Report -

    Find out what the public has been telling us about health and social care during May 2022.
  6. Report -

    Read and download our June 2022 Feedback report and response from LGT.
  7. News -

    Find out more about why our national director, Louise Ansari, appeared on BBC radio 4 this morning.
  8. Report -

    Find out what we heard from over 240 service users in July 2022.
  9. Advice and Information -

    Find out how to make a complaint about your experience at Queen Elizabeth.
  10. Report -

    From GP services to Queen Elizabeth hospital, find out what you told us about health and social care in Greenwich.
  11. News -

    Out of 134 NHS Trusts, Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust are placed in the bottom 5% performers, achieving a 'worse than expected' result.
  12. Report -

    From GP services to Queen Elizabeth hospital, find out what you told us about health and social care in Greenwich.
  13. Blog -

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published its annual State of Care report, which highlights that gridlocked health and care system is leading to deterioration in people’s access to and experience of care.
  14. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  15. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  16. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  17. News -

    Healthwatch Greenwich appeals for more people to feedback on NHS care.
  18. News -

    Public satisfaction with the NHS has slumped to its lowest level ever recorded by the British Social Attitudes Survey (BSA). Despite this, the public shows very strong support for the NHS. Read the response from Healthwatch England
  19. Blog -

    Wow, March was an incredibly busy month for us at Healthwatch Greenwich! Find out how we engaged with communities through a variety of events and activities.
  20. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  21. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  22. Blog -

    In this blog post, Jahan Foster, Social Care Researcher at Healthwatch Greenwich, reflects on the successful co-production project completed with young people, which explored their contraceptive knowledge and awareness.
  23. News -

    National GP patient survey sees a further fall in satisfaction, especially regarding making appointments. Read with Healthwatch England response.
  24. Blog -

    Our volunteer, Dylan Heller, describes her time volunteering with HWG as an 'immensely transformative experience,' which supported her personal growth and development while also teaching her the importance of empathy and active listening.
  25. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  26. News -

    Healthwatch England's new research highlights that pressures in the NHS have serious consequences on people's lives and widen health inequalities.
  27. News -

    Five-day strikes by junior doctors, followed by two-day strikes by consultants, are likely to increase pressure on hospitals across South East London Here's how to get the help you need!
  28. News -

    The Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of Health and Social Care in England, carried out its inspection of Eltham Palace Surgery in May, concluding the service was ‘performing badly’.
  29. Advice and Information -

    Care Quality Commission (CQC) seeks patient input to develop crucial national survey. Here's how you can participate!

  30. News -

    Find out how Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust performed in the latest Adult Inpatient Survey of 2022.
  31. Advice and Information -

    Have you used Musculoskeletal (MSK) services in Greenwich? Join the next public forum and share your experiences.
  32. News -

    Yasmin, a patient at the Emergency Department of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, opens up about her unpleasant experience at the hospital.
  33. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  34. News -

    Anna's battle with a musculoskeletal condition is worsened by missed appointments, delays, and a lack of support, leaving her in pain and feeling neglected.
  35. Advice and Information -

    Four areas where you can improve support for people diagnosed with diabetes.
  36. News -

    Healthwatch England new research reveals worrying problems with hospital discharge arrangements. Many people told us they are not given the right support or information when being discharged from hospital. Read their experiences and our calls to action.
  37. News -

    Five organisations representing NHS leaders and patients join forces regarding on-going industrial action in the NHS.
  38. Report -

    Read Healthwatch Greenwich's latest report providing insights into maternity care challenges for migrant and asylum-seeking women in South East London.
  39. Blog -

    This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week. Our new blog brings together some of the key challenges people have shared about cervical screening with local Healthwatch and outlines the steps we are taking nationally to address those.
  40. Blog -

    With a record number of patients stuck in A&E, Healthwatch England CEO Louise Ansari wants to see a longer-term plan to improve conditions in which people wait for life-saving care. This should include real-time monitoring and reporting on patient experience.
  41. News -

    A father shares how negligence from hospital staff led to a traumatic experience for his daughter Becky and their family
  42. News -

    An international student shared how not receiving timely care delayed her prospects of graduating on time.
  43. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.
  44. News -

    Aaliyah shares how not being listened to by her doctor left her feeling ignored, overlooked, and worried that she'd not received optimal care.
  45. Report -

    Find out what we have been hearing about health and care services in Greenwich and what action service providers have taken as a result of your feedback.